Welcome to MK Community Data, an online space for community groups and organisations in Milton Keynes to capture the experiences of their service users. This is a digital tool that aims to solve the issues identified by many voluntary and community groups across MK particularly relating to the lack of coordinated and captured insight into residents experiences, especially highlighted since the outbreak of Covid-19.

The purpose of collecting community intelligence is to:

  • Establish a better understanding of the real needs and experiences across MK communities
  • Use the collective voice of the voluntary and community sector in MK to communicate needs to decision makers
  • Enable voluntary and community sector groups to identify common issues and collaboration opportunities

The success of this tool will depend on the input from a range of community and voluntary groups - so we thank you so much for sharing your intelligence. Click here to refer to our data sharing statement.

To ensure complete transparency, we recommend your organisation share a statement that makes your beneficiaries / services users aware that information they provide may be anonymised and recorded in the MK Community Data tool. We recommend that you give them the option to opt out of this - e.g if the information they provide is of a sensitive nature.

Please fill in as much of this form as possible. Mandatory fields are underlined and marked with an asterisk (*), otherwise fields are optional.

About You (Step 1 / 5)

Please start typing the name of your organisation and select from the list.


If your organisation is not on the list, please click here to complete a short form to share your details, so we can add your organisation to the list and so that you can start using the tool.

If there is any sensitive data that you would like to share that might not be appropriate to record using this tool, please get in touch with us on, so we can support with the best way of recording/ sharing this information.

What categories does your information fall into? (Step 2 / 5)

A possible solution to the issues and challenges you are facing, or an action that could be taken, e.g. An idea for a new project, requirements / collaborations needed?
A positive impact you are hearing about
An interest you, your organisation or your services users have (e.g. a new area of work you would like to explore, a new service that would be beneficial to introduce etc)
A problem or concern that you are picking up e.g. Lack of access to online schooling as they do not have the technology

What would you like to tell us about? (Step 3 / 5)

Brief Description (*) :

Choose the appropriate terms that help describe this issue (*) : (Step 4 / 5)

Arts and Culture

Climate Change

Covid 19

Crime and Safety

Development and Growth of MK




Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Family / Related support Networks


Health (mental & physical)



Outdoor Spaces, Nature and Animals

Protected characteristics

Public services (excluding health)

Representation (e.g. voicing individual or neighbourhood needs, or the needs of beneficiaries)

Sport and Leisure

Voluntary and Community Sector 

Actions & Next Steps (Step 5 / 5)

Extra information about the action here